Data privacy statement of astragon Entertainment GmbH


  1. General information


Thank you for your interest in our games and welcome! We are astragon Entertainment GmbH, Am Wehrhahn 33, D-40211 Düsseldorf. You can reach us via


Our aim

Protecting your privacy is paramount to us. Therefore, compliance with the legal provisions on data protection is fundamental for us. In addition, it is important to us that you know at all times which personal data we collect and why and how we process it. We will also be happy to explain to you what rights you have and how you can exercise them.


What is personal data?

In short, anything that identifies you as an individual, whether through the information itself or in connection with other information. Examples of this are your name, your e-mail address or a customer number, but also the time at which you started a multiplayer game when it is stored together with your IP address. We always try to collect as few personally identifiable information as possible. But we also like to inform you in detail in this document about your personal data when we collect them.


Why is this document so long?

In regard to all personal data, we are required by law to describe to you in detail:

-          What kind of personal data do we collect? (= type of data collected)

-          Which law, rule or regulation allows us to do so (= legal basis)

-          Why we collect this data (= purpose of use)

-          What exactly happens to your data (= type of processing)

-          How long do we store your personal data

-          What rights you have with regard to your personal data (= rights of data subjects)


We are required to list each step individually. That is the reason why this document is very comprehensive.


  1. Competent supervisory authority & company data protection officer

Responsible in terms of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are we,


astragon Entertainment GmbH

Am Wehrhahn 33, D-40211 Düsseldorf.


For all data protection inquiries, please contact our company data protection office. Contact details:

Benjamin Wolf

  1. Legal basis

We collect and process personal data on the basis of the current European law. The following legal bases can be found in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Depending on the purpose of the data collection, one or more of the following legal bases apply:

Consent is an expression of will. This can be done in writing in form of a statement or with another clear affirmative action. Either way, the consent must be voluntary, apply to a specific case, and must clearly state that the data subject agrees to the processing of his or her respective personal data. For this purpose, the data subject must be sufficiently informed and understand the consent.

That means: The data is required so that we can fulfill our contractual obligations towards you or we need the data to prepare a contract with you.

That means: For example, we are required by law or other regulations to process the data.

That means: The processing of data is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of us or third parties, unless your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of personal data prevail.


  1. Rights of the data subject

When it comes to your personal data, you are the data subject. You are entitled to the following rights with regard to the data processed by us in accordance with the articles of the General Data Protection Regulation referred to in each case:



Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular with the EU Member State of your place of residence, place of work or place of alleged infringement, if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR.


  1. Data erasure and storage time

Personal data must be erased if they are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. In addition, storage may take place if provided for by the European or national legislator in EU regulations, laws or other regulations to which the controller is subject. The data will also be blocked or erased if a storage period required by the aforementioned standards expires, unless there is a need for further storage of the data for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract.


  1. Specific data processing


  1. Do we collect personal information when you play our games on a console?

We do not collect any personal data when you use our games on a Sony console. If and to what extent personal data are collected and processed by Sony in the context of the use of games or other services, please read the respective privacy statements of the respective provider.


  1. Google Analytics

a)      Scope of data processing

Our game uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. („Google"). This software collects information on how you use our game and we use such information to generate various statistics. The collected usage data includes in particular the concrete selection of actions in the game, use of individual functions, and frequency of use. Such data is collected together with your IP address. The IP address transmitted by your browser under Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data.

Google Analytics stores text files on your computer that make analysis by Google Analytics possible in the first place. The information generated in this way about your use of the game is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

We have activated a so-called IP-anonymization, i.e. Google shortens the IP address within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the European Economic Area Agreement before it is transferred to the USA.

Only in exceptional cases the full IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. For more information about the data processing activities of Google please click here

b)      Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of data in connection with the use of the website is Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR.

The legitimate interest as referred to in Art. 6 (1)(f) lies in the interest in a customer-oriented design of the website that meets the requirements of the users under consideration of their usage preferences.

The legal basis for forwarding the data to Google is Art. 28 (3), Art. 45 (3) GDPR. The service provider is certified under the Privacy Shield Framework and is therefore subject to the EU Commission's Appropriateness Decision (Implementation Decision 2016/1250), i.e. the data protection level of the service provider is recognized as being equivalent to the GDPR, although it is based in the USA.

c)       Purpose of the data processing

The processing serves the purpose of analyzing this website and the usage behavior of its visitors.

d)      Duration of storage

The data will be anonymized immediately after its collection. Personal data are therefore only collected in the context of the transmission and are not permanently stored.

e)      Possibility of objection and deletion

You can prevent the analysis by Google Analytics by clicking the button below or by turning off the option for Google Analytics in the options of the game.

  1. Save Data in Multiplayer

a)      Scope of data processing

If you play the game in Multiplayer, your save data will be stored online on a server operated by Amazon Web Services. The save data also contain your ID, i.e. your user name. In addition to the current progress in the game, the save data also contain chat logs, i.e. the content of conversations they have had with other players. 

b)      Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of data is Art. 6 (1)(b) and (a) GDPR. The legal basis for storing the data with the hosting service provider "Amazon Web Services" is Art. 28 (3) GDPR. The game cannot be used without the corresponding consent.

c)      Purpose of the data processing

The purpose of data storage is to provide secure storage of save data both with regard to data loss at the customer, the possibility for each computer to use its own save data and protection of the save data against manipulation.

d)      Duration of storage

The data will be stored until you decide to delete the save data. This can be done directly in the game in the save data menu.

e)      Possibility of objection and deletion

The user may always delete the save data in the save data menu of the game. Local storage without using our servers is not possible for data security reasons.

The game cannot be used without consent to its storage on our servers.